The one thing I have prayed fervently for her the last few weeks is that Papa would give her tangible evidence that her HOPE has not died. I have encouraged her to not give up HOPE, but to cling to it. I bought her a bracelet that says HOPE all over it and she found a keychain someone had given her last year that says HOPE! It has become a theme for this current season in her life as our whispered prayers have gone forth!
I was conversing via email with a new friend (I can sense a kindredness ;O) ) and she mentioned that HOPE is an anchor for our soul. I knew that was found in scripture and so I looked it up tonight. I read the passage and then I looked it up in The Message. I loved how Eugene Peterson worded it and it ministered to my heart so deeply ~
Hebrews 6:18-20 (MsgB)
God can't break his word. And because his word cannot change, the promise is likewise unchangeable. We who have run for our very lives to God have every reason to grab the promised HOPE with both hands and never let go. It's an unbreakable spiritual lifeline, reaching past all appearances right to the very presence of God where Jesus, running on ahead of us, has taken up his permanent post as high priest for us.
Isn't that just exactly what HOPE is? It's our spiritual lifeline to the One Who has God's ear...the One Who intercedes for us and is our greatest cheerleader and soul comforter!
So thank you, Dee, for pointing me once again to the the Anchor of my soul and allowing me to use the encouragement I have received to encourage my precious girl!
And you know what? Today I saw the clouds part in my daughter's heart and the Son began to shine in her again and...I have HOPE that tommorrow is a new day!
Thank you Papa for always knowing just what we need and who we need to hear it from. Please continue to encourage my girl and remind her that...
tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, HOPE; and HOPE does not disappoint.
Hey Barb, I read your words and was ready to share Romans 5:3... with you, but see you already have it. Our HOPE will not disappoint us and I pray your daughter senses that more and more everday.
ReplyDeleteI have a hope related post I'm wanting to share, but need to wait til after the baby is born, so... You can pray though because I'm thinking it will be sooner than later!!
Blessings to you as you hold onto hope, Jill