As a homeschooling mom of 5, life can be crazy! Add to that 3 boys playing ball and all the other various and sundry things that arise and life can become a little stressful! I am coming out of a time of feeling stressed and overwhelmed and, while I'd like to say I handled it with much grace, I know my attitude was left wanting at times! This morning I found an index card I had tucked in my Bible and I decided I needed to reflect on it again...
I Choose ~
*I choose to stop myself before I yell
*I choose to phrase things in the positive
*I choose to accentuate the positive
*I choose to see my children as fragile gifts that I have the ability to cherish or break
*I choose to keep short accounts with my kids
*I choose to have a cheerful spirit
*I choose to respect my children
*I choose to discipline in love
*I choose to model Christ for my kids
In other words...I choose to rise above the initial fleshly response I am sometimes hit with and respond as someone intimately involved with the One who has extended extravagant grace to me time and time again!
I love how The Message puts it ~ James 1:19 ~ "Post this at all the intersections, dear friends: Lead with your ears, follow up with your tongue, and let anger straggle along in the rear."
Thanks, friend. As we enter our own incredibly busy, sometimes stressful, season, I'm so in need of this reminder of Truth. I'll be making my own "I Choose" card today ~ thank you! XOXO
ReplyDeleteI *really* needed to read this today! Now ... if I can just remember these things in the heat of the moment!! :)