If you know me at all, it is no secret that FALL is, by far, my favourite time of year! I usually try to wait til September to pull out my Yankee candles ~ Harvest ~ and my fall decorations, but this year I fudged a little.
I did wait til the final weekend of August, but the anticipation was killing me so I changed out the white curtains for the green damask and the flowered lampshades for the neutral ones. My Harvest candle is smelling delightful on the counter and I am enjoying the site of my pumpkin and scarecrow stuff that I set out!
Did I jump the gun a little? Probably! Do I care? Not at all...I am happy as can be in my own little fall-created world. :O)
I was contemplating my actions this morning as I walked and I was struck with the reason why I could, with assurance, get out my fall decorations. It wasn't because the temperature had changed that drastically...it's still warm and humid. It wasn't because the calendar had changed and it was a month that most consider a fall month. It's not because the trees are full of their colorful foliage. It was for no other reason than the fact that, in all my 45 falls on this earth, I have witnessed the seasons change and have experienced fall in all its glory!
I was struck with something else as I walked, though...I have, in similar fashion, been able to wait expectantly for the Lord in situations that didn't look that promising because I have witnessed His provision and His care in the past. Do you see it?
My experiences with the Lord's care of me and provision for me have given me hope that He will continue to provide and continue to show Himself faithful in my future. The climate and what I see may not always look that promising, but He has never let me down yet! His answers may not always come when I want them to or in the way I expect, but I can prepare for them with hopeful anticipation!
As I was winding up my walk, I passed by a maple tree. Being Canadian, maple trees are part of who I am! This maple had barely begun to show hints of fall and there were a few leaves scattered at the base of it on the ground. As I surveyed the ground, I zeroed in on one particularly beautiful red leaf lying on its own off to the side. As I locked in on it I heard that still small voice that said...
That leaf is your promise! That leaf represents the hope you have in Me that I AM coming and I WILL show forth my glory! \O/
Psalm 97:6 (MsgB)
The heavens announce that he'll set everything right,
And everyone will see it happen—glorious!
Psalm 19:1 (MsgB)
God's glory is on tour in the skies,
God-craft on exhibit across the horizon.
Psalm 26:8 (MsgB)
God, I love living with you;
your house glows with your glory.
Psalm 26:8 (MsgB)
God, I love living with you;
your house glows with your glory.
Psalm 63:2 (MsgB)
So here I am in the place of worship, eyes open,
drinking in your strength and glory.
Psalm 63:2 (MsgB)
So here I am in the place of worship, eyes open,
drinking in your strength and glory.
Psalm 72:19 (MsgB)
Blessed always his blazing glory!
All earth brims with his glory.
Psalm 89:17 (MsgB)
Your vibrant beauty has gotten inside us—
you've been so good to us! We're walking on air!
Psalm 96:3 (MsgB)
Take the news of his glory to the lost,
News of his wonders to one and all!
Psalm 108:5 (MsgB)
Soar high in the skies, O God!
Cover the whole earth with your glory!
I'm not quite where you are as far as autumn is concerned, but your post is definitely helping me to get there. I have one more big summer hurdle before I'll feel like I can officially change seasons. But I'm soooo excited about this season and I don't even know why!
ReplyDeleteBarb, your post spoke to my heart on so many levels: our shared love for fall, our shared experiences in this new season as our oldest kids go off to school, and our shared conviction that God is able and sufficient and faithful! He always keeps His promises! Thank you, friend ~ you've blessed my heart (again) today.